Antenne Familiale
The Antenne familiale consists of four offers:

"Foster Family service" / "Fleegefamilljendéngscht
The Service de Placement Familial (Splafa), which is located in Esch/Alzette and Nocher, has existed since 1979.
When children are removed from their parents' care, being cared for by the extended family, also known as 'close family' foster care, offers the possibility of maintaining family ties and minimising disruption to the children's daily lives.
Where possible, a 'traditional' foster care placement is often a good way to provide a stable family environment for the child or young person. The foster parents receive social and educational support from the SOS staff.
"Family strengthening service" / "Familljestäerkungsdéngscht
In order to prevent crises that can lead to the separation of families, SOS Children's Village Luxembourg works with families to enable them to care for their children by offering various forms of support that strengthen and stabilise families and networks. In recent years, we have further developed our services to help these families stay together and provide good care for their children.
"Psychological counselung service" / "Psychologesche Déngscht".
Therapeutic work with parents and families is aimed at all persons for whom there is a need for therapeutic talks that are not covered by the medical field.
Assisted living
The aim of "assisted living" is to support young people with special needs in their transition to independent living. This means that they live in a studio or flat, either alone, as a couple, or in a shared apartment for young adults.
Individualised support allows the young adult to explore their autonomy, while at the same time being provided with the necessary support in areas where insecurities remain. Through this support, young people who have been in institutions are given a real chance to start life, preventing them from falling into a social, emotional or economic void.
The young adults pay a rent that is adapted to their financial possibilities. This gives them a real start in life and prevents them from falling into a social, emotional and economic 'void'.
Chantal WEYNANDT, Responsable
Logement encadré
T. 2600 8900
M. 621177393
Bureaux MERSCH
33, route d’Arlon
Bureaux ESCH
1, rue Helen Buchholtz
Daniella LAMPERTZ, Responsable
Placement Familial
T. 32 90 03 -1
M. 621 30 64 52
Bureaux MERSCH
z.i. Mierscherbierg
L-7526 Mersch
Bureaux ESCH
1, rue Helen Buchholtz
Bureaux NOCHER
8, Duerfstrooss
Mara Kalté, Responsable
Assistance psychique, sociale ou éducative en famille
T. 32 90 03 -1
M. 621 574 484
Bureaux MERSCH
z.i. Mierscherbierg
L-7526 Mersch
Bureaux ESCH
1, rue Helen Buchholtz
Bureaux NOCHER
8, Duerfstrooss